Whew, I’m back from back-to-back trips to DisneyWorld (ABA Law Practice Management Section meeting) and Palm Springs for the Marcus Evans Legal Technology Summit (my favorite non-LexThink conference of the year). Reflections on those events will be forthcoming, but I had a great and quite productive time.
It was also a grand blogger tour. I got to co-present with fellow Between Lawyers blogger pal Denise Howell and spend time in board meeting and DisneyWorld rides with fellow Between Lawyers blogger pal Tom Mighell. I also got to spend time with blogging pals Fred Faulkner, Jim Calloway, Reid Trautz and Ed Poll.
My wife and daughter thought DisneyWorld was our best vacation trip yet. As I think about walking out of the Magic Kingdom after the fireworks and several rides on Space Mountain with my wife, daughter and Fred Faulkner, and seeing Mickey Mouse wishing everyone a goodnight, I have to agree.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]