With a big thank you Zane Safrit of ConferenceCalls Unlimited, I’ve made my podcasting debut.
Zane, who attended the first LexThink conference, enjoyed the conference so much that he did a series of podcast interviews with the LexThink founders, Matt Homann, Sherry Fowler and me.
Zane has put together a way to create podcasts that is so simple that even Matt Homann was able to figure out how to do it. Seriously, though, we recorded the podcast via a phone call and then Zane’s tech people processed it. Conference Calls Unlimited is also hosting the podcast and they sent me the original .wav file. It all was produced, performed and went live in about 24 hours. It could not have been easier. And Zane is a gracious host and interviewer.
Here’s the best part for would-be podcasters like me – Zane will do the hosting for your podcasts, too! No more fears of the $3,000 web hosting bill for bandwidth usage the first month you launch a podcast. This is exactly the type of service I’ve been looking for since I first thought about podcasting.
I had a great time talking with Zane in the pre-interview and I hope that some of that feeling carries through in the podcast. I think that I covered the whole waterfront in terms of what we talked about, from LexThink to infinity and beyond. If you listen to the set of podcasts from Matt, Sherry and me, you’ll get a great insider’s view of LexThink, what it’s like to collaborate on a big when people don’t live in the same place, and the thought process involved in trying to decide what the next step should be after something like LexThink. And, if you do listen to these podcasts and have some ideas for where we can take LexThink, by all means send them to me.
I like Zane’s post about the interview with me because it makes me seem so learned and erudite. Unfortunately, I think I trash that image in the first few minutes with a mention of the A-Team TV show.
Take a listen. I didn’t hold much back and had a lot of fun, so I hope you enjoy it. If you are podcasting, or thinking about podcasting, get in touch with Zane to talk to him about the podcasting services he’ll be providing.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]