Why, yes, I do have one handy PDF file with all forty of my articles I republished by posting them on my blog between October and December 2005. It even has each of the forty articles bookmarked for easy navigation.
Here’s the URL: https://www.denniskennedy.com/pdfs/dkblogarticlesarchive.pdf
As you may recall, I posted the articles as a way to put them into my Movable Type blog database and get them into one convenient place.
There are forty articles in the collection. They range from 1997 to 2005 and cover both legal technology and technology law topics. That’s not all of my articles, but I wanted to get a generous number of them up on my website and freely available again. I believe that I was able to clean up all of the strange characters that Word introduced into the posts when preparing the PDF file.
For those who don’t like PDF files, remember that all of the articles are available in HTML in the articles archive of this blog. See the archive listing in the right-hand column.
This PDF file will let you read them at your leisure or print them out for offline reading. If while reading them, you get the urge to talk to me about hiring me to do some consulting, speaking or writing for you, that’d be great. Please get in touch. I’m also happy to talk with you about reprinting the articles or licensing them for other uses. And, of course, I always enjoy getting feedback on the articles. It was fun (and satisfying) to see some of the articles get a new life with a new audience when I posted them on my blog.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
This post brought to you by Dennis Kennedy’s legal technology consulting services, featuring RSS and blogging consulting, technology audit, strategic planning and technology committee coaching packages especially for medium-sized law firms (15 – 100 lawyers) and corporate legal departments. More information on the “Second Pair of Eyes” packages for legal technology audits and strategic planning may be found here (PDF).
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