Yes, there will – starting tomorrow, Monday, February 13.
Tom Mighell (who is my #1 answer to the question Neil Squillante poses here) asked me yesterday if I really needed a whole week to celebrate my combined blogiversary (#3 – this blog debuted on Februrary 15, 2003) and birthday (February 17, which I share with Michael Jordan and Jim Brown, among others).
The answer, of course, is “Yes!”
I had the idea last year to do a blogiversary/birthday event as a fun, tongue-in-cheek way to have a reader appreciation week and to have an excuse to have some fun on my blog.
You can expect a variety of special posts, giveaways and free downloads, discounts on some of my services, and other surprises. I’ll also try to answer as many of your questions as I can in a whole week of “By Request” posts (email your questions for me at denniskennedyblog @ There’s way too much stuff going on for me to accomplish it all in anything less than a week.
Expect more details tomorrow, but you can start off with a free download of the slides from my recent presentation on Trends for 2006 in Electronic Discovery.
Long-time readers will know that it’s blog features like this one that have brought me criticism from those who believe that law-related blogs must be totally serious and oh-so-professional every second of every day. However, I want to do something to show that I appreciate my audience and that it is important to have fun every now and then. I expect that I’ll give them more fodder for their criticism before this week is over.
Stay tuned for more details.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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Technorati tag: blogiversary