Hope to see some of the readers of this blog at either the LexThink Lounge event or the ABA TECHSHOW over the next few days.
I’m not much for “live blogging” – I prefer to talk to people when I get the chance to be with them in person – so I’m not sure how much posting I’ll do over the next few days.
In the interim, you might enjoy the audio clip I posted over at the Between Lawyers blog or thinking about Kevin O’Keefe’s excellent question about when the legal profession will start to move to RSS. As my friends know, I’ve been waiting to help the legal profession make that move for the last few years.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
This post brought to you by LexThink!(R) – The Legal Unconference. Ask us about private LexThink retreats and conferences for your firm, business or organization. Coming soon – LexThink Lounge – April 19, 2006.
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