A fascinating blog post on the Anecdote blog callled “Hire a diverse bunch of smart people and let them talk” is well worth your reading time, both for what it says and the underlying article, audio and study it references.
The key idea is “knowledge bridging.”
The money quote:
The article elaborates on Hsu and Lim’s research describing the ways Silicon Valley biotech companies created new patents and using this information to map the lineage of invention in the valley. Knowledge bridging was a noticeable trait of the successful companies and remarkably the only factor they could find that led to knowledge bridging was the act of hiring a variety of researchers. This reminds me of the Larry Prusak quip, when asked what someone should include in a knowledge strategy Larry suggested: hire smart people and let them talk. Perhaps we need to modify this to: hire a diverse bunch of smart people and let them talk.
Bring together a diverse bunch of smart people and let them talk. That’s a great description of what we try to do with LexThink. It’s also a great benefit of being part of the Between Lawyers blog. It’s a great idea in many, many ways.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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