I had a great time meeting about 30 or so law librarian bloggers and bloggers-to-be in St. Louis last night. Connie Crosby offers her perspective here.
As always, it is great fun to meet other bloggers in person. I’ve long been a big fan of what law librarians are doing with blogs (note category #2 here) and it was a pleasure to meet some of the bloggers I’ve read for a long time in person and to see some BlawgThink alumnae again.
Congratulations to Sabrina Pacifici who received a very deserved and very prestigious award for her work at LLRX.com and the BeSpacific blog at this AALL annual meeting.
If you ever get the chance to go to a gathering of bloggers, do whatever you can to try to attend. I’ve always found a generous, welcoming group who are as smart and interesting as their blogs are.
As an aside, it was interesting to see how a LexThink Lounge event would work very well for a group of this type and the vendors who want to reach that group.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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