I checked my old email and saw that a year ago today, we got an email on our Between Lawyers back-channel email lst from Ernie Svensen that said:
“I’m on the road now. This storm will cause CATASTROPHIC damage!”
It was chilling then – still is.
Then I see a flurry of frantic messages between us for a few days as we lost touch with Ernie and didn’t know what happened to him.
We finally heard from him, with his usual wry wit, a few days later in an email that said:
“Hey thanks! I’ll be okay. Trying to set up moblogging. Gotta have the proper tech thing going. Right?”
But the message that struck me the most came from Ernie later that day:
“Thanks. I am safe and so are my friends and family. Now I sit back and watch how my city adjusts to radical change.”
Except that we knew Ernie could not just sit back and watch.
Much of what I know about the aftermath of Katrina in New Orleans comes from Ernie’s reporting, as is true for many other bloggers.
It is true that we are learning what radical change for a city means, and, unfortunately, in some ways what radical “stays the same” means. There are lessons to learn and lessons we should not forget.
Take a moment and remember.
“[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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