Reed Smith’s loss is our gain. Denise Howell has been writing the best stuff I’ve read in along time about the intersection of law and technology on Bag and Baggage, Between Lawyers and her newest blog, the highly-recommended Lawgarithms.
I wanted to single out her post today on Between Lawyers called “VLFs Should Embrace VRM.” part of an ongoing discussion we’re having over there about virtual law firms and related issues. I’ve listened to two of the three parts of the podcasts she recommended (and found myself longing for a stronger hand at the editing controls on the podcast, but I think my patience will be rewarded in part 3). For those who prefer reading to listening, start with this post from Doc Searls.
The VRM (vendor relationship management) notion, simplified as “the user is in control,” when applied to law has some resonance with the idea of “fourth generation legal technology,” something I posted about and haven’t yet returned to and developed in writing.
It’s a subject I’m really looking forward to discussing with Denise, the rest of the Between Lawyers group, and others. Maybe we can do a podcast on the topic.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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