As I’ve noted before, one of my favorite posts ever on this blog is called “Blawgspace is a Generous Place,” written nearly 3 years ago. I have the feeling that my recent post called “The ‘Unbearable’ Everydayness of Blogging” will become one of my favorites as well.
Both are outside the “normal” subject matter of this blog, yet, like many other bloggers, I’ve found that the most satisfying posts often come when you reach across boundaries or step outside your blog role (pun intended).
In the “everydayness of blogging” post, I started to reflect blogging a bit, something I don’t write so much about anymore. In fact, my last significant writing on meta-blogging was called “Lawyer Blogging Basics – How to Use Blogging Software without Becoming a Blogger” and it’s not exactly about blogging. More than a year ago, I wrestled with the debate over “what is a blog?” and my aversion to definitionitis in a post called “What is a Blog?” That’s the post where I stated my general principle of blogging – “Let thousands of blogs bloom” – and lamented the occasional trend of people wanting to define the “one true blog” and have everyone fall in line to meet some proscriptive norm. I personally like blogs that break the “rules,” so I’m not a fan of that approach.
For what it’s worth, I think I got closer to what I wanted to say about definitions in the recent post “Explaining Blogs and RSS: A Primer.”
However, everything always comes back to “blawgspace is a generous place.” That’s such a core element of my blogging experience and my own blogging philosophy.
It’s Thanksgiving time and I have more people to say thank you to than I could ever imagine. In my little way, however, I want to say thank you to those in blawgspace and blogspace for welcoming me in and making in part of the coolest network of people and ideas going. May it remain as inviting, encouraging and welcoming for years to come. Tend your own flower and be willing to let thousands of flowers bloom in their own unique ways and see what we all can learn, together, in the process.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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