A few pointers to some of my new articles and a link to a fascinating response to my recent legal tech trends series from Tim Travers.
First, Tom Mighell and I have an article called “Wikis for the Legal Profession in the new issue of the ABA webzine Law Practice Today. It’s designed to be an introduction to the notion of wikis, with lots of links to great resources and some suggestions on how the legal profession is using and might better use these collaboration tools. As usual, there are plenty of great articles in this issue of Law Practice Today, but let me single out an article called “How to be More User-Friendly” by my friend and fellow St. Louisan Wendy Werner.
Second, I occasionally get asked why I don’t write about new products very often on this blog anymore. Well, it’s because I’m writing about new products in the TechnoLawyer Newswire. The latest issue covers Symantec’s Enterprise Vault (an interesting email archiving tool) and two other products that will interest lawyers. The NewsWire is free to registered subscribers. I encourage you to join up.
Third, I really enjoyed the point-by-point response UK blogger Tim Travers made to my recent legal technology trends for 2007 series, and the subsequent email exchange Tim and I had. I recommend Tim’s post, not because he agrees with much of what I said, but because he brings a new perspective and relates these issues to the UK legal technology world in a way that I cannot. Everything is global as I’m constantly reminded, and it’s great to have this kind of interplay on these issues. Tim is a relatively new blogger, and I encourage you to check out his blog.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Learn more about legal technology at Dennis Kennedy’s Legal Technology Central page.
Technorati tags: legal technology wiki technolawyer collaboration tools trends