We made it to the very fun gathering of St. Louis bloggers mentioned in the prior post on Friday night. It’s always great to meet local bloggers, and this was an especially cool group. Marijean (STLWorkingMom) Jaggers does a great job of summing things up in her post here. Her post also provides links to the blogs of bloggers there – I ‘ve subscribed to the RSS feeds of all of them, giving my newsreader a decidedly (and welcome) local flavor the last few days. It’s also nice to see the good vibes that the event produced as the different bloggers post their reactions.
Here’s a collection of photos from the event – you’ll see a nice shot of Matt Homann and me in the mix.
A big thanks to the organizers and attendees, especially Michelle Golden who alerted me to the event. We’ll have to do some more of these, and maybe bring together the Friday night group with the blogger lunch group. I’ve long been intrigued by the dynamic of in-person meetings of bloggers and how often blogging makes good friends of people who would have never known each other otherwise.
You might try one of these gatherings with your local bloggers.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Read the blog posts and RSS feed items I find most interesting on Google Reader Shared Items or subscribe to its RSS feed. High volume, but lots of interesting items that will get you thinking.
Technorati tags: st louis bloggers blogger meetup saint louis