Links of the Week is a regular feature on this blog where I list some of the most interesting links I’ve found during the previous week – sort of a “best of” from my Google Reader Shared Items. The idea is that I pick out a set of links that I might have wanted to write about or that I found especially thought-provoking or useful. I might or might not agree with the posts or items I link to, but I found them to be something I wanted to share.
I missed last week’s Links of the Week post because of ABA TECHSHOW, so I’ve doubled up this week. I’ll also recommend that you check of the ABA TECHSHOW Buzz site – it sets a new standard for online coverage of a legal technology conference.
On to the links:
The connection between one of my Secrets of Adulthood and the “maximum-use imperative.”
Laptops Aren’t the Problem: The Meetings Are
A Yahoo Pipes Video
Making the Case for Law 2.0
Tips and Tricks at the ABA TECHSHOW
Twitter – What It Is and How I am Using It
New Collaborative Websites for the Legal Market
No Two Law Bloggers Are Alike
101 Five-Minute Fixes to Incrementally Improve Your Web Site
Getting to Good Enough
Reasons I miss Psych, even though it is a little hokey
ABA Tech Show 2008 – How Technology Is Redefining the Attorney Client Relationship
What will America look like after this recession?
Takeaways from TECHSHOW
One secret to good facilitation design: work with maps not tools
How to insert a PDF file into a Word document
The Waste of Handwritten Notes
Why the Push-Up Belongs in Your Fitness Routine
Next Generation Contract Management Systems – more than software, more than LPO
A Solution to 4GW – The Introduction
A User’s Guide to Fabulous Friendships
How to Declutter Your Hard Drive
Do Something! Invest in Yourself – Especially in an Economic Downturn
Small Projects Generate Good Feelings
Disable Annoying CapsLock Key
The blinding light of Web 2.0
Three Internet Careers That Soon Won’t Exist
This Week’s Additions to 52 Books in 52 Weeks:
Crashproof Your Kids, by Timothy Smith

The Physics of NASCAR, by Diandra Leslie-Pelecky

[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
Read the blog posts and RSS feed items I find most interesting on Google Reader Shared Items or subscribe to its RSS feed. High volume, but lots of interesting items that will get you thinking.
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