Links of the Week is a regular feature on this blog where I list some of the most interesting links I’ve found during the previous week – sort of a “best of” from my Google Reader Shared Items. The idea is that I pick out a set of links that I might have wanted to write about or that I found especially thought-provoking or useful. I might or might not agree with the posts or items I link to, but I found them to be something I wanted to share.
On to the links:
No Time to Rehearse? You’re Fired
Collaboration Tools and Technologies
Results from an Experiment in Ad-Driven Books
Legal Technology 2.0
Amicus Attorney – Inhouse Intranet
ABA Techshow Notes – SaaS with Dennis Kennedy and Dan Pinnington
State of the AmLaw 200 blogosphere, March 2008
The URL Is So Dead In Japan And What That Could Mean
Open Space in 60 Minutes
Helping Students Learn About Personal Finance
Thank You to the MANY Voices of Solo Practice Who Serve Clients and Improve Our Profession
Why Sophie 1.0 excites me more than today’s E Ink machines—or .epub
An Adjacency of Practice
Escaping the Trade Show Money Pit
Email vs. Wiki: Picture = 1000 words department
The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
Department of Remarkably Good Ideas, nuclear weapons edition
Rethinking Business Cards
20 Types of Pages that Every Blogger Should Consider
Groundbreaking Legal Transformation Study Identifies Four Strategic Planning Scenarios for Legal Services
Apple, openness, and the Zittrain thesis
Earth Evolves
This Week’s Additions to 52 Books in 52 Weeks:
Certain to WIn, by Chet Richards

[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
Read the blog posts and RSS feed items I find most interesting on Google Reader Shared Items or subscribe to its RSS feed. High volume, but lots of interesting items that will get you thinking.
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