In this week’s episode:
The Links
How to print a list of files in a Windows directory
Kindle update (minor problems, amazing realization)
Report: In Emergencies, People Turn to Facebook
The toys of today, the tools of tomorrow
McKinsey Surveys the New Software Landscape
A guide to registering the copyright in your blog
SaaS is a no brainer!
Monk Gets a New Psychiatrist
ReviewGist Lets You Know if it’s Worth Buying
Developing Adaptability through Physical Training
Make your screen shots super
The Pending SMS Collapse
Picking a license for an open source software project
Tweet Scan As Brand Protection Tool
The view from the client’s side
What of our unshrinking world?
I Do Love You, Lee, But …
Once Upon a Time, I Lived on a Kibbutz
Moleskine Notebooks: The Ultimate Guide
Cloud Computing Forecast
The legal talent matrix
Is Office the new Netscape?
I Bond rates go to zero
More on blogging vs. micro-blogging (Note: You can follow me on Twitter here)
The Right Resources to Solve Legal Problems
JOURNAL: Searching for Assumption Errors
The Four Day Work Week: Sixteen Reasons Why This Might Be an Idea Whose Time Has Come
Who Will Use Google App Engine?
100 Most Often Mispronounced Words
This Week’s Additions to 52 Books in 52 Weeks:
Farewell, My Lovely, by Raymond Chandler

Farewell, My Lovely, by Raymond Chandler

[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Join the book’s Facebook Group here.
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