DennisKennedy.Microblog is a supplement to this blog that can be found on Twitter at @dkennedyblog. I invite you to become a follower. An explanation of the microblog can be found here.
Here are posts from the microblog for the last week or so:

What is the potential of Obama’s campaign network in running the government and the country? Rob Paterson on Change.gov
@matthomann‘s 10 Rules of Legal Technology – – a great list, but I still have to talk Matt out of his keyboard obsession
Check out the potential of Twitter on election day at Twitter’s election page and search page
Cloud computing and The Big Switch – – I like Thierer’s notion of “pragmatic optimism” on this key trend.
Ed Poll and Adobe’s Rick Borstein cover what’s new (and cool) in Acrobat 9, with a legal focus – – highly recommended
Just finished Charles Morris’s The Trillion Dollar Meltdown. I expect the roller coaster ride will continue for a while.
Can lawyers and instant messaging be a happy combination? My latest ABA Journal column offers a a quick IM primer –
The Hildebrandt Client Advisory attracting so much attention – – law practice in tough times. Whatcha gonna do?
Ron Baker on the future of the firm: Profitability = Intellectual Capital x Effectiveness x Price –

Let me know what you think about the microblog idea.
Also, Tom and I have started to do some regular posting at the Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration blog. I invite you to check it out and add it to your RSS reader.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at
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