DennisKennedy.Microblog is a supplement to this blog that can be found on Twitter at @dkennedyblog. I invite you to become a follower. An explanation of the microblog can be found here.
Here are posts from the microblog for the last week or so:
The Fully Connected Law Firm – I wrote this several years ago, but it still seemed fresh to me today.
“Collaboration relies on the frame,” says @jackvinson about #collaboration structures – A must-read.
Adam Singer concludes this about social media: “don’t chase spikes, pursue linear growth through participation.” –
Berin Szoka asks, “Who needs a DVR when you’ve got Hulu?” –
Thought-provoking in major kind of way: @johnrobb on protection rackets – – much to think about here.
Sobering graphics on bank market caps and shadow banking from Rob Paterson and @johnrobb – &
In law school, I expected to be the last of lawyers who took a state bar exam. Wrong! Maybe a national exam is coming –
Looking for your help on a #collaboration tips project – – #collabtips
JP Rangaswami: insights into Twitter as a submarine in the ocean of the web –
From Noah Shactman at Danger Room ( Martin Miller discovers real WMDs – – awesome photos
This brings back great memories: Charlie Bess on rebirth of HyperCard – HyperCard => Signed up.
Helpful explanation of key gmail concept – labels, not folders from Google Operating System blog:
Paul Caron points to a new series of IRS podcasts to assist taxpayers – – seems like a great idea to this podcast fan
Watch @collabtools and for chance to help “crowdsource” list of #collaboration tips for #techshow handouts and more
Yet another reminder how great Twyla Tharp’s book The Creative Habit is – – it’s going on my to-reread list for 2009
Let me know what you think about the microblog idea.
Also, Tom and I have started to do some regular posting at the Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration blog. I invite you to check it out and add it to your RSS reader.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
Follow my microblog on Twitter – @dkennedyblog; Follow me – @denniskennedy
Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at Twitter: @collabtools
Technorati tags: legal technology microblog Law2.0 collaboration