Tom Mighell and I have recorded another episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast and it’s now available on the Legal Talk Network and on iTunes. The episode is called “The State of the Blawgosphere” (show notes here) and here’s the episode description:

On this edition of the Kennedy-Mighell Report, co-hosts Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell discuss the current state of legal blogging on the Internet and share with you what is new in the blawgosphere. In the “Stuff We’ve Been Talking About Ourselves” segment, Dennis & Tom will look at the “mobile platform” and how to make your site more mobile-friendly. In Parting Shots, Dennis and Tom leave you with lasting tips and observations.

In the episode, Tom and I discuss the current state of legal blogging on the Internet, and give you our take on what’s going on. We share a few results from Tom’s massive research project on the law blogs he’s covered over the years in his Blawg of the Day feature. We discuss the scope and scale of law-related blogging, the “generations” of law blogging, and in what ways our advice to new law bloggers might be different today than it was a few years ago. I also recommend Scott Rosenberg’s new book, Say Everything: How Blogging Began, What It’s Becoming, and Why It Matters.
In a “Stuff We’ve Been Talking About Ourselves” segment, we note that we’ve been talking about smartphones and the “mobile platform.” We’ve been talking about whether it makes sense to create versions of our blogs and websites optimized for the mobile platform. Absolutely yes.
The question then became: Well, how do you do that? Does it require a web developer or are there simple, easy and free ways to create your own mobile versions. In about ten minutes of research, we found the answer was a resounding “yes!” and we put some helpful links in the show notes.
Here’s the quick, mobile-friendly version of my blog I created with Mofuse. (Note: it doesn’t seem to be displaying for me when I use the Google Chrome browser.)
In my “parting shot” (useful tip), I mention that I’ve been unsubscribing to a bunch of email newsletters, which leaves me more time to read my favorite email newsletters, especially the TechnoLawyer family of email newsletters. I also mention how much I liked the new issue of the Law Practice Today webzine Wendy Werner edited on the Suddenly Solo phenomenon. Tom talks about his latest web experiment – a linkstream.
Give our new episode a listen and let me know what you think.
And try some of the back episodes as well.
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[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at Twitter: @collabtools
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