DennisKennedy.Microblog is a supplement to this blog that can be found on Twitter at @dkennedyblog. I invite you to become a follower. An explanation of the microblog can be found here.
Here are recent posts from the microblog:
Rick Borstein on using Adobe Acrobat to create email portfolios for small EDD productions –
RT @allisonshields: 7 Simple Online Mistakes Lawyers Make
Two new blog posts: Springsteen show in St. Louis; a few available Google Wave invitations – &
Andres Ferrate: “Intuit’s New QuickBooks Services Bridge the Desktop and the Cloud” – – potential for small law firms?
Aseem’s 99 of the best Windows freeware programs you may not know of –
New blog post: The Electronic Legal Pad and the Post-Paper Practice of Law (
New blog post: Broadening Search: Is Google Enough (
Bob Ambrogi offers 10 safe networking tips for attorneys – – good primer and starting point
Dan Bricklin: VisiCalc turns 30 and SocialCalc turns 1.0 – – celebration on Twitter at #visicalc
Larry Dignan asks “How did IT fall so far behind the tech curve?” – should people get a budget to buy a work computer?
RT @onedegreelaw: Big question at ACC – is value challenge really here or a flash in pan? Folks here seem to think tipping point reached
RT @collabtools: Tomorrow morning’s Legal Rebels audiocast: “Working Collaboratively Works Best” with @tommighell –
Check out the latest The Kennedy-Mighell Report Podcast on the Legal Talk Network.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
Follow my microblog on Twitter – @dkennedyblog; Follow me – @denniskennedy
Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at Twitter: @collabtools
Listen to The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast on Legal Talk Network.
Technorati tags: legal technology microblog Law2.0 collaboration