Tom Mighell and I have recorded another episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast and it’s now available on the Legal Talk Network and on iTunes, with an RSS feed here. The episode is called “The iPad: Gadget or Game Changer?” (show notes here), and it’s sponsored by Bill4Time. A special thank you to readers of this blog who listen to the podcast – we’re very pleased with the growing numbers of downloads the podcast is getting.
Here’s the episode description:
No product launch in recent memory has commanded the attention of Apple’s iPad announcement. Is the iPad a game-changer, the must-have of 2010, or just one more imperfect choice for technology users already facing too many choices? In this episode, co-hosts Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell discuss the iPad, hype vs. reality, and what this new product might mean for lawyers who use technology. Their conclusions might surprise you.
Undeterred by having no on-hands experience with an iPad whatsoever, Tom and I offer our reactions to Apple’s recent announcement of the iPad and our analysis of the prospects for the iPad. We take a look at the history of tablet computing, my long-time fascination with Tablet PCs and delve into the ros and cons of the iPad that most people seem to be talking about in the initial round of reactions to the announcment.
We’re intrigued by the way the iPad moves us further onto the mobile platform and cloud computing, but see the iPad as a content delivery device moreso than a content creation device, although the development of apps will be key to the content creation side of things. We end with our own take on the “odds makers” segment of ESPN’s Pardon the Interruption show, surprising ourselves with our very positive reaction to the iPad.
However, we’re not optimistic that we’ll see much adoption of the iPad in the legal community, except in the world of solos and small firms, and, of course, among the growing group of Macintosh-using lawyers. We’ll see some cool things happening in that space.
In our “things we’ve been talking about” segment, we talked about the chance we got to get a pre-release look at the new WestLaw Next release and our quite positive reactions to it. [Disclaimer: Like others asked to review the new WestlawNext, tom and I received iPod Nanos from Thomson Reuters – we received these gifts after this edition of The Kennedy-Mighell Report was recorded, so you can gauge our opinions in that context.]
We end the podcast with our Parting Shots – practical tips you can use right away. Tom points to ReadTwit, a way to get to Twitter links in an easy-to-manage RSS feed. I pick up on a recent article by Ross Kodner mentioning one of my favorite little tools, the typewriter feature in Adobe Acrobat..
Give our new episode a listen and let me know what you think. Show notes for the podcast are at here.
And try some of the back episodes as well.
THE KENNEDY-MIGHELL REPORT PODCAST IS NOW ON TWITTER. You can now follow the podcast on Twitter at @tkmreport.
Just a note about the experiment (as yet largely unsuccessful) we are trying with a public “wave” for the show we’ve opened up in Google Wave. If interested in joining the wave, you can either ask us to add you or, assuming you are already a Wave user, search for it in Wave using “with: public” “Kennedy-Mighell Report”. Among other things, we’ll use it as a way to gather questions for our audience Q&A segments and also use it as an experiment in how Google Wave might be used.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
Follow my microblog on Twitter – @dkennedyblog. Follow me – @denniskennedy
Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at Twitter: @collabtools
Technorati tags: legal technology podcast ipad tablet collaboration