Logo for The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcastLong-time listeners of The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast and other friends of the show know that Tom has been after me to start having regular interview guests on the show for quite a while.

The good news: we’ve started.

The great news: Wow, they’ve been excellent! I highly recommend that you check out the ones we’ve released and watch for the upcoming ones.

The most recent was with Bob Moesta, author of the new book, Demand-side Sales 101, and one of the originators of Jobs to be Done theory. It will go down in our podcast history as the “why Dennis hired his new blender” episode and might surprise you about how much that exercise will tell you about how clients buy legal and other professional services.

Here’s the list of recent interview shows:

Great shows! And big thank yous to Heidi, Kelly, Gina and Bob! Let us know what you think about the interview episodes.

[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]

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