The latest “Electronic Discoverers” column by George Socha and me (Dennis Kennedy) has been published on the excellent site.
In the column, called “Looking into the Electronic Discovery Crystal Ball for 2005—Predictions, Observations and Opinions,” George and I serve up our images from from our looks into the crystal ball for electronic discovery in 2005 and beyond. Perhaps not surprisingly, any look into the future use of technology by lawyers brings back memories of technology discussions from the past. Interestingly, many of the lessons you need to know have already been available for several years.
I think the money quote from the column this month might come from me, for a change:
“In many ways, George, I don’t see much mystery about 2005, although I’m sure that we’ll see some surprises. The winners in 2005 will be those who make the efforts to learn all that they can, develop personal relationships and potential partners with those in the electronic discovery space, and, perhaps most important, seek out and listen to the wishes, concerns and recommendations of their clients. It will be a year to get out from behind your desk and work with people rather than paper.”
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]