On September 7 at 12:00 noon Central time, I’ll presenting a webcast called “Looking for Data in New Tech Places.” for CLESeminars.com.

Here’s the description:

Magnifying glass and cityscape

As information flows to and from the old world of PCs and internal servers into and out of mobile devices, the “Cloud” and “Internet of Things,” the potential locations of relevant data area growing at a shocking pace. We can barely get up to speed on one technology before several new ones pop up. Once simple questions, like “what is a document?” have become complicated to answer. In this webcast, you’ll get a highly-practical survey of the new landscape of technologies where people put and keep data, sometimes unknowingly. What you aren’t aware of might hurt you.

The webinar will cover:
• Getting beyond the basics
• From documents to datasets and beyond
• Texting, in many forms
• Data storage services (Dropbox, et al.)
• Wearables
• Social media
• Photos and location
• Collaboration
• Apps that collect and store data
• Devices that collect and store data
• Knowing what those in the target culture use
• Internet of Things

More information about registration and tech requirements may be found here.

I’ve pre-recorded the webcast and will be available during the webcast to answer any and all questions in a simultaneous chat session. Please mention the webcast to anyone you think might find it useful.

Photo by Maurício Mascaro from Pexels


[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]

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Now available:

The second edition of The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell.