I’m doing some audio-video on-demand webinars for Merrill Corporation over at Merrill’s Law Solutions Website. The webinars, which are free to view, are part of the “New Directions” portion of the web page.
The webinars run ten to fifteen minutes in length and cover specific areas of electronic discovery. In my sessions, I try to cover the topics in a straightforward manner that will help lawyers and non-lawyers to understand both the technical aspects of the topics and the implications of these technologies, all in the plain and direct manner that audiences have long told me that they like about my approach to these issues.
I really like this reasonably short format (audio synched to PowerPoint slides) and think that it will prove popular as Merrill creates this “knowledge base” on electronic discovery. Look for a number of other leading electronic discovery authorities, such as Tom O’Connor, to cover many of today’s most important EDD topics.
My first session is called “Computers and Copies – Is Every Step Traceable?”
The second, newly available, session is called “The Mysterious World of Metadata.”
The upcoming schedule of my sessions includes:
April 2005 The Many Places to Discover Data
May 2005 Developing a Team Approach to Electronic Discovery
June 2005 Determining When to Use Electronic Discovery
A special thank you Toby Younis at Merrill for putting this great series together.
Expect to see more webinars and audio programs from me. I am talking with several people about podcasts and other audio efforts, and I’d be happy to talk with you about doing these types of sessions for your company or organization.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/).]