The new June issue of the webzine Law Practice Today has an electronic discovery and computer forensics theme, along with a ton of other great articles and columns. Highly recommended, especially Daryl Mountain’s article on innovation in law firms. I have a column about Internet resources on computer forensics issues.
EDD expert George Socha told me about the new Electronic Discovery Reference Model Project, which is intended to provide:
A common language for talking about electronic discovery processes;
A basis for standards and guidelines; and
A basis for design and evaluation of products and services. continues to be an excellent “portal” for information about electronic discovery.
A Gold Mine of Electronic Discovery Expertise: A Conversation Among Veterans of Electronic Discovery Battles” is now the most popular download on the Law Practice Today website.
New free EDD On-demand webinars for June from Tom O’Connor, Michael Clark and me have recently been posted.
Want to learn a heckuva lot more about electronic discovery? Consider my new half-day seminar called Preparing for the New World of Electronic Discovery: Easing Your Transition from Paper to Electronic Discovery for your firm, corporate legal department or other group.
[Originally published on DennisKennedy.Blog (]