The January Thinking E-Discovery column titled “Mining the Value of Metadata” is now available on the website. In this column, Tom Mighell, Evan Schaeffer and I take on the timely topic of metadata (in the legal world, “metadata” refers to hidden or revealable data contained in Microsoft Word and other documents).
The column is a wide-ranging discussion of the topic, complete with some practical pointers. There’s been a lot of attention on this topic recently and I don’t think it’s all that difficult to become reasonably knowledgable about the issues. This column will help you get off to a good start.
The money quote is from Evan Schaeffer:
It just so happens that I have a Word document open on my desktop right now. When I look at the file’s properties, I see that the “author” is listed as my law partner. She’s never worked on the document but I’m using her computer. That’s an interesting example of how metadata can be wrong.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
This post brought to you by Dennis Kennedy’s half-day electronic discovery seminar – “Preparing for the New World of Electronic Discovery: Easing Your Transition from Paper to Electronic Discovery.” Contact Dennis today for more information and to schedule a seminar for your firm or legal department.