As I’ve mentioned, my friends at Caselogistix are bringing me to LegalTech NY next week to speak about trends and predictions in electronic discovery. I hope to see you there. I did a run-through of the presentation today and was pleased with how it is turning out.
As I’ve learned more about Caselogistix, I’ve become intrigued about how this tool fits into the whole litigation management / electronic discovery field. If your practice concentrates in these areas, you’ll definitely want to do some research to see if it fits your specific needs. I like their tagline: “Litigation software so easy to use, lawyers actually use it.”
As part of a new experiment on this blog for 2006, I’m trying out an affiliate marketing link on this blog that is designed to produce a small commission for purchases of Caselogistix use the affiliate link. Essentially, I’ll be doing with Caselogistix exactly what I do with book links through the Amazon Associates program.
You would be correct if you assume that I get a lot of requests to mention products on my blog or put links in the Legal Technology Central Section of my website. I’m looking at affiliate marketing arrangements as a reasonable economic approach to handling those requests. I’m interested in your feedback on that approach.
So, I encourage you to learn more about Caselogistix by using this link:
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
This post brought to you by Dennis Kennedy’s half-day electronic discovery seminar – “Preparing for the New World of Electronic Discovery: Easing Your Transition from Paper to Electronic Discovery.” Contact Dennis today for more information and to schedule a seminar for your firm or legal department.