I have been putting the finishing touches on the free webinar I’ll be presenting tomorrow (March 9; with a repeat on March 15) called “Making the ‘Right’ Decision at the Information Lifecycle Management Crossroads,” a presentation created to accompany my recent whitepaper on this topic. You have a choice of attending on March 9 or March 15 (registration information here).
From the program description:
A myriad of challenges – from corporate governance to regulatory compliance requirements are affecting the approach organizations are taking to records and electronic discovery management.
With these challenges in mind, this Webinar is designed to:
+ Provide insight and education on the evolving world of information lifecycle management (ILM).
+ Discuss the challenges that decision-makers face when considering treating organizational data as evidence.
+ Explore an approach to managing these challenges by focusing on an integrated, needs-based approach to providing long-term, forward-looking solutions which promises better results in meeting both today’s requirements and tomorrow’s challenges.
It’s an important topic and I hope that you can attend. A big thank you to my friends at RenewData for making this happen.
In many ways, electronic discovery is just a small subset of ILM and it will be fascinating to see whether ILM swallows up electronic discovery in the coming years. I’ll touch on that topic, and more, in the webinar.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Learn more about electronic discovery at Dennis Kennedy’s Electronic Discovery Resources page.
Technorati tags: electronic discovery webinar