I’m always looking for ways to demystify and make easier the RSS subscription process. Marshall Kirkpatrick’s recent post on FeedPass (read the comments, too) got me interested in exploring FeedPass.
Part of what FeedPass does is to create a handy subscription page that is designed to make it easier for people to learn about your RSS feed and subscribe to it.
If you are a new reader of my blog or have been thinking about subscribing to the RSS feed, please take a look at the subscription page and let me know whether you think it makes it easy for your to understand RSS and subscribe to the feed.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Like what you are reading? Check out the other blogs where I post – Between Lawyers (feed) and the LexThink Blog (feed).
Technorati tags: legal technology feedpass rss