I gave a presentation yesterday on trends and predictions in electronic discovery at the LegalTech West Coast conference. I was very pleased by the response the presentation received and the number of people who asked if I would make copies of the slides available.
I’ve made a three-to-a-page handout view of the slides available as a PDF here (PDF 400+K).
Yesterday morning, I woke up and had a flood of new ideas on EDD and where it’s going and came perilously close to revamping the entire presentation. You’ll see on the slides where I added some handwritten ideas. In fact, I had a near “Jerry Maguire moment” before I came to my senses and decided that it was far better to stick with the original presentation, although I did float a number of my new ideas during the presentation yesterday.
The new ideas can be summed up in a shorthand version by the phrases “electronic discovery 2.0” or “EDD 2.0,” which, if I am to believe Google, are terms which I am apparently the first to use in this way. (By the way, I’m not planning to trademark them a la the recent “Web 2.0” brouhaha, but it would be nice to give me a little attribution credit if you use the terms – and now maybe I can be like Denise Howell of “blawg” coinage fame and be known for introducing a new term.) My ideas here evolve from the Law 2.0 concept I ‘ve written about on this blog and on the Between Lawyers blog.
I’ll be writing and, I hope, speaking more about these ideas in the near future. Thanks again to my friends at Caselogistix for bringing me to LegalTech and giving me the chance to give this presentation.
I had a great time at LegalTech West Coast, but have little time to write about it because I’m off to speak tomorrow at the Missouri Solo and Small Firm Conference.
However, I must point you to my friend Marty Schwimmer’s fabulous issue of Blawg Review where he raises some very pointed and fundamental questions and ponders how lawyers should help people understand fundamental legal issues in the public debate. I highly, highly recommend that you read it and think carefullly about what Marty has to say and the questions he’s asking. As someone Marty asked some of the questions he raises and who answered “I don’t know,” even though I tried to find some of the answers, I take Marty’s commentary very seriously. It’s not easy to find answers to these questions. I’m disappointed to hear that some people saw Marty’s questioning as a political screed – it’s clearly not and the post strikes me as quite non-partisan – these are basic questions no matter what party is in power – rather than a “proper” way to do a Blawg Review. I read every word of it and was grateful for the links he provided. It’s really good work. Marty raises fundamental questions about what it means to be a “nation of laws” – I’m not sure that there are many more important questions we should be trying to answer. Think about it.
Download EDD presentation slides here.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Learn more about electronic discovery at Dennis Kennedy’s Electronic Discovery Resources page.
Technorati tags: legal technology electronic discovery electronic discovery 2,0 EDD 2.0 Law2.0 slidespresentation