I’m pleased to announce that DigiLearn is hosting two new audio continuing legal education courses that I’ve put together and making them available over the Internet.
First, there is my popular “Legal Technology Trends and Predictions” presentation. Here’s the description:
Legal technology can be a complicated and difficult topic. How do you learn about trends in legal technology and make good decisions about where you want to take your firm? In this session, legal technology expert Dennis Kennedy discusses ten of the most important trends in legal technology today and gives you some practical recommendations of how best to address technology issues in your law firm or legal practice.
Second, there is my presentation called “Disaster Recovery Planning for Lawyers.” Here’s the description:
Natural and man-made calamities in recent years have emphasized the vital importance of good disater recovery and business continuity planning. Don’t let your inadequate disaster plan make a bad situation worse. In this session, legal technology expert Dennis Kennedy discussess the key elements of preparation, technology and people involved in good disaster recovery planning and highlights many of the practial issues you must consider when putting together your firm’s disaster recovery plan.
I’m a big fan of the ways we can now use the Internet to deliver education and I’ve alway liked the work that DigiLearn has done in this area. I’m very pleased to be working with them on these new programs.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Learn more about legal technology at Dennis Kennedy’s Legal Technology Central page.
Technorati tags: legal technology disaster recovery CLE audio DigiLearn