Some “experts” recommend that you keep all elements of personality and personal information off professional blogs.
And then there’s me. I disagree with the “all professional, all the time” blogging approach. I like learning more about the personal lives of my favorite bloggers. Many times, it makes me even more likely to use their professional services, but, for the for the most part, it gives me some new insights.
Josh Fruchter, at JD Bliss, has been publishing a series of short bios of interesting lawyers for a couple of years. Back in November 2004, he ran an interview with me. He sent me a note today mentioning that he had updated the site and the URL had changed, which reminded me about the interview.
If you are a regular reader (or a new reader) who would like to learn a bit more about my own story, this interview will give you one part of that story and, I hope, offer a few of the lessons I’ve learned over the years.
Be sure to check out the rest of the JD Bliss site as well.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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