I had a great time this morning recording a panel discussion with Tom Mighell and Ron Friedmann on the new amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the changes they will bring to electronic discovery. Thanks to Toby Younis of Merrill who came up with the idea and will soon put the discussion up on the Merrill website. Ron moderated with insightful questions and added some great comments. Tom had his usual excellent insights and I offer my usual non-traditional perspective – there’s a lot to think about. If you are a litigator, I hope that you have started to put your thinking cap on.
I’ll also be presenting a seminar session tomorrow on the new amendments and trends in electronic discovery.
I must admit that my initial reaction to the amendments was that there didn’t seem to be much there. In fact, I didn’t even single them out as a specific trend in my EDD trends presentations earlier this year, covering them as just a part of “court-directed pressure to change.” Over the past few months, I’ve come to see how these amendments will likely prompt a sea change in how law is practiced in the U.S. Let’s face it, most lawyers have successfully avoided electronic discovery until now, but things are about to change drastically. Or, at least as drastically as anything in law is likely to change.
I’ll post a link when this roundtable is available.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Learn more about electronic discovery at Dennis Kennedy’s Electronic Discovery Resources page.
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