The American Bar Association has today launched a completely revamped version of the website for the ABA Journal to stellar notices, like this, this and this. My friend and ABA webmaster Fred Faulkner played a big role in this launch and I enjoyed getting the chance to congratulate him on his excellent work this evening. Fred was a key reason that the Law Practice Today webzine got off the ground so successfully and I clearly see Fred’s influence on this new site. I miss getting the chance to work with Fred on a regular basis as we used to do on Law Practice Today.
You will want to visit the site for legal news, a great blawg directory, and free content from the magazine archives.
I like the direction that the ABA Journal is going with the website and the print publication. In fact, I like it so much that I’ve recently agreed to take over the legal technology column for the publication starting this fall. I’m looking forward to working with Ed Adams and the ABA Journal editorial team.
It was a big honor for me to be asked to write the column and get the chance to continue the great tradition of the column that “the two Davids” – David Beckman and David Hirsch (two of the biggest names in legal technology history) – established and carried forward for many years. Their column was always my first stop in the ABA Journal when it arrived (except, of course, the issue that had an article with my picture in it – the lawyer equivalent of getting your picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone, or at least inside it). I salute the two Davids and hope that I can carry on in their footsteps.
I started out writing about legal technology in a column for Lawyers Weekly USA and I’ve always liked the regular monthly column format. This new column will become my primary outlet for regular articles on legal technology. I’m planning to take an approach that is highly practical, appeals to all lawyers and helps them in their daily work, and also makes people stretch just a bit and think about technology. I have a list of column ideas already put together, but will always welcome ideas for new columns.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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