As part of blawgiversary week at DennisKennedy.Blog, I’ve invited readers to send me their questions and I’ll try to answer each of them with a “By Request” post.
Not surprisingly, real life has intruded on my plan, so I’m running behind. However, keep sending your questions in and I’ll see how many I can answer this weekend.
Here’s the next question:
“Are you aware of any tailor-made programs being offered as CLE programs, or simply in-house training presentations for Sharepoint use in-house or in the small/large (legal) office setting?”
My short answer is “no,” but I did some checking into this question.
When it comes to SharePoint questions, my “go to” person is my friend Randy Holloway at Microsoft, who, among other things, has written a book on SharePoint, SharePoint 2007 and Office Development Expert Solutions (Programmer to Programmer).
Randy pointed me to Microsoft’s online training for SharePoint Server 2007 as a good place to start. It has a set of 21 twenty to thirty minute sessions on a variety of topics.
For legal-specific SharePoint seminars, I’d consider attending the annual ILTA conference or seeing what local or regional ILTA programs might be scheduled on the topic of SharePoint.
I’m curious about whether readers have other suggestions for SharePoint seminars, online or live, or other ways to learn about SharePoint for law firms and legal departments. If you have suggestions, leave a comment.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at Twitter: @collabtools
Technorati tags: legal technology collaboration sharepoint by request