Announcing The Kennedy-Mighell Report Podcast Listener Appreciation Meetup / Tweetup

There’s nothing like a blogger meetup.

I read a great blog post wrap-up about the BlogHer Food conference by my grade school and high school classmate, and now food blogger, “The Italian Dish.” The post reminded me how much fun it is when bloggers get together. And, believe it or not, that’s true even when it’s lawyer bloggers getting together.

So, I wanted to see about doing a meetup, tweetup or similar event. And I saw an opportunity to put together one next week in Washington, DC at the time of the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Management Section’s Fall Meeting (October 20 – 22). It’s actually a great time to be in DC because there are two other interesting law practice management and social media seminars happening at the same time as the LPM Section meeting. The first is the College of Law Practice Management’s 2010 Futures Conference and Symposium (PDF brochure). The second is’s “The Case for Social Media” seminar (info here). For clarification, I won’t be speaking at or attending either event (duty calls). There should be a good concentration of interesting people for a meetup in DC.

As I tried to figure out a way to do a meetup, who to invite and how to organize, I settled on the idea of doing it nominally as a listener appreciation event for The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast.

I emailed Tom Mighell to enlist his help and he really liked the idea, too. He liked it even better when I agreed (1) not to anthromorphize our podcast, as I sometimes do, and say that our podcast was actually throwing this event, (2) to do the “planning” for the event, and (3) to write this email to publicize the meetup.

Here’s my plan: We tell you the time and place and assume that the event will be a gathering of the right people at the right place at the right time. In other words, I’m taking an unconference approach to this.

Here are the details:

Date: October 22, 2010 (Friday)
Time: Officially, maybe 7:00-ish PM, but really whenever two or more people show up.

Place: Lobby of the JW Marriott Hotel, 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC (looks like there’s lobby seating and a lounge) – this is the meeting hotel for the ABA LPM meeting.

Who is invited:

1. Listeners (and potential listeners) to The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast
2. Law-related bloggers (and non-law-related bloggers)
3. Law-related tweeters (and non-law-related tweeters)
4. People interested in law practice management, legal technology and the use of social media by the legal profession
5. Any reader of this blog post (of course)

If you want to help organize and publicize, please get in touch with Tom or me. We’ll also be putting up an invite page (probably Twtvite) for the event. Watch @denniskennedy or @tommighell on Twitter for details.

[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]

Follow my microblog on Twitter – @dkennedyblog. Follow me – @denniskennedy

Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at Twitter: @collabtools