I see the future of legal education transforming before our eyes, and I’m excited to share that I’m contributing in my own small way to that transformation. My Fall 2024 syllabus for “Artificial Intelligence and the Law” at Michigan State University College of Law is now available on the Syllabi Commons, thanks to John

book cover (front) of The lawyer's Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies#Collaboration is the hottest topic in #legaltech today! We all must find smart ways to work together.

And, just in time, Tom Mighell and I are pleased to announce the publication of the new edition of our classic book on collaboration tools and technologies: The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies, Work from Home

Your professional network has never been more important than it is today.

When Allison Shields Johs and I speak about LinkedIn, we are always struck by the number of lawyers and legal professionals who tell us that they know that they are only using a very small fraction of the power of LinkedIn and they