It’s time for an update on recent episodes of the Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast. We’ve really liked some of the last episodes and I want to recommend them to you. We enjoy making the podcasts, working with our great producers at Legal Talk Network, seeing our monthly downloads number continue to increase, and growing our sponsor list (now up to four).
We’re trying to put together an all audience question show for one of our upcoming episodes. If you’d like to ask us a question that we might try to answer on the show, you can email us at, email either Tom or me, or reach us in one of the many other ways we can be reached. Or simply leave a comment to this post with your question. Because it’s a podcast, sending us an audio with you asking your question would be great.
Also, we’re happy to report that the show notes page is back. The show notes site will give you links to the podcasts, contents of each show, and links to sites and resources mentioned on each episode.
#68. Can Software Replace Lawyers?
From IBM’s Watson to Apple’s new Siri to the growth of predictive coding in e-discovery, it’s been a heck of a year for computers catching up to humans. Lately, there’s been a lot of discussion about the question, “Can software take the place of lawyers?” Can it, or will it? In this episode, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell discuss the latest software advances and the likely impact on lawyers, how lawyers might benefit from these advances, and how worried lawyers should be about competition from machines.
#67. iPads for Lawyers
iPads are making serious inroads into the work environment, even for lawyers. What role might the iPad play in the daily lives of busy legal professionals? In this episode, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell are joined by special guest David Sparks, author of the new book, iPad at Work, to discuss the potential benefits of using an iPad in legal work, practical iPad tips, and how the iPad and iPad apps are changing the way lawyers use technology.
#66. Kindle en Fuego: Next Generation Tablets
Amazon has just announced a new generation of Kindle devices, including a touch version and the Kindle Fire, a low-cost tablet device. The new Kindles start at $79. Are these iPad competitors, a new category of devices or another harbinger of the Post-PC era? In this episode, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell discuss how the new Kindles might help lawyers, whether the platform is now the message, and where the tablet category might go after the death of Steve Jobs.
#65. Easy Productivity Improvements
Why are more lawyers than ever using two (or more) monitors at their desks? Others use surprisingly simple tricks to make their days more productive and their lives a little easier. Once you’ve learned some of these techniques, you often think that they are “obvious” and something you should have implemented a long time ago. In this episode, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell discuss a few simple productivity techniques like using multiple monitors that have made a big difference for them, how those tips might benefit you, and steps you can take to make yourself much more productive than you were before you listened to this podcast.
Let me especially recommend the episode on iPads with David Sparks to anyone who owns or plans to buy an iPad. If you haven’t listened to the podcast before or haven’t listened for a while, give one or more of these a listen.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at Twitter: @collabtools