[Note: I’m going to continue running a Q&A series at through through January (and maybe much longer) on DennisKennedy.Blog. Details on how to submit your questions to me may be found at the end of this post.]
I am a fan of both your column and your podcast with Tom Mighell. I seem to recall that you and Tom published your podcast yourselves before moving to the Legal Talk Network. Have you and Tom considered going back to self-publishing the podcast? Alternatively, is there a chance the podcast could find a new home? – Mike Morse
The answer is: Yes, there is a 100% chance the podcast will find a new home.
Let me pre-announce that the Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast (“a podcast on legal technology, with an Internet focus”) will soon return to regular production at its new home – the ABA’s Legal Technology Resource Center. The podcast will be part of what will become a group of legal technology-related podcasts produced by and distributed through the Legal Technology Resource Center.
Tom and I are currently working on the next episode of the podcast, so we expect the relaunch to be soon, tentatively in early January.
There might also be some other announcements related to the podcast coming in the near future.
We were very sad when we learned that the Legal Talk Network had to stop production of our podcast and the other podcasts on the network, but knew that we wanted to continue. As I mentioned in my 2012 Blawggies post, the Legal Talk Network was very important in the history of law-related podcasting and it was an honor and a pleasure to be part of it. Moving to the Legal Technology Resource Center seemed like a perfect fit for us and we are pleased that we could put the relaunch together.
The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast has a long history. Tom and I launched it when we learned that we would be speaking about podcasting at the 2006 ABA TECHSHOW. We produced 6 episodes on our own. I refer to these episodes as the “lost” episodes because they were taken off the Internet and, until recently, neither Tom nor I could find backup copies. Fortunately, Tom recently found copies.
We did 93 episodes for the Legal Talk Network. I consider the episodes as some of my best work and thinking about legal technology, especially the episodes in 2012.
The mathematicians among you will realize that 6 + 93 = 99. We’[ve decided, however, to continue with the numbering of the current podcast and treat the first six as unnumbered “lost” episodes. That means the first episode of the relaunched podcast will be #94, giving us time to put together a special “hundredth show” episode.
We appreciate the patience that listeners and subscribers to the podcast have had as we make this transition, the nice notes we’ve gotten from people like Mike, and all the positive response the podcast has gotten over the years.
If you have suggestions for topics for upcoming podcast episodes or questions for us to answer on the podcast, let us know. The show notes page for the podcast is here. You can still find earlier episodes on the Legal Talk Network website and in iTunes. We expect that iTunes subscribers will not have to do anything to continue to get the new episodes.
If you have a question for me to answer, you may submit it for me through the usual channels – email at denniskennedyblog @ gmail . com, a comment left on the original post about the Q&A series, this post or a subsequent post, or through Twitter (@dkennedyblog), or whatever other way you want to reach me.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Follow my microblog on Twitter – @dkennedyblog. Follow me – @denniskennedy
Facebook in One Hour for Lawyers, the new book from Allison Shields and me, is now available (iBook version here). Our previous book, LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers is also available and also can be downloaded as an iBook. Also still available, The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell.