Tom Mighell and I are getting ready to record the 100th Episode of our podcast, The Kennedy-Mighell Report, which is now appearing on both the Legal Talk Network and the ABA’s Legal Technology Resource Center. And it’s available in iTunes.

We were pleased to meet some of our listeners at the recent ABA TECHSHOW in Chicago.

We recently released episodes 98 and 99 and I wanted to recommend them to you. Here are the descriptions:

#99 – Nourishing Creativity with Constraints [LTN] [LTRC]

Hosts Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell are exploring a new social media outlet called Vine where users create videos, constricted to six-seconds in length. This inspired the discussion of nourishing creativity with a length constraint. Twitter limits users to 140 characters, Instagram allows only one photo per post, and Snapchat limits users to sending a photo for 10 seconds or less before it disappears from both the sender and the recipient’s device. On this episode of Kennedy Mighell report, your hosts will discuss how technology constraints can produce surprising results for lawyers, whether they participate in social media or not.

# 98 – The iPad for Litigators and Life After Google Reader [LTN] [LTRC]

Learn why iPads are a valuable resource in the courtroom for their portability, presentation capabilities, and legal apps. Hosts Dennis and Tom explain why litigators especially can benefit from an iPad and Tom’s upcoming book iPad in One Hour for Litigators. The second half of the show mourns the approaching death of Google Reader, the significance and utility of an RSS reader, and what other options are out there.

And remember that we end each episode with what we call our “Parting Shots” – a practical tip, link or other resource you can use after you listen to the podcast.

We’re happy to be back to regular podcasts. Look for a new episode every other week. Better yet, subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and have new episodes appear in iTunes automatically when they are released. As always, if you have ideas for topics or questions for us to answer on the podcast, let us know.

[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]

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Facebook in One Hour for Lawyers, the new book from Allison Shields and me, is now available (iBook version here). Our previous book, LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers is also available and also can be downloaded as an iBook. Also still available, The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell.