As I wait for final papers to come in, I thought it would be a good time to share some of the video content we created at the Michigan State University Center for Law, Technology & Innovation this past semester. The Center’s video content is all available on the Video resources page of the CLT&I website.
NewLaw Careers Webinar
Our featured video is the on-demand record of our “NewLaw Careers Webinar.” We brought together eleven MSU Law alums to talk about new types of legal careers. Many of them are pioneers in these fields. The panels were moderated by the Center’s research assistants. I provide a short overview of current trends and developments. It’s a great introduction to these new kinds of legal jobs and careers.
Leading Edge of Law Interview Series
We’ve been doing a regular series of video interview shows with thought leaders. Our RAs get to be the interviewers and do a great job. Here are our ones from this spring semester:
Andy Whitehead on patent lawyering as both inhouse and outside counsel
I highly recommend all of these. Take some time to check out the other videos as well.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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