Summer is a great time to spend some time on legal innovation efforts, especially in law departments. To help innovators in law who want to work on the innovation process in a thoughtful, structured, and disciplined manner, I’ve made available for free download a PDF version of my book, Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law: A
innovation in law
Flash Sale on Kindle Version of My Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law Book
Summer is here and the time is right for innovating in the law.
From today until June 13, the Kindle version (only) of my book, Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law: A Practical Guide for Law Firms, Law Departments and Other Legal Organizations is on sale on amazon for the too-low-to-resist price of US$4.99.
This summer,…
Fast Fish and New Technologies: Are Small Law Firms Outcompeting Large Firms?
Part of my #blogfirst project.
We have moved from a world where the big fish eat the little fish, says Tom Peters, the famous management consulting guru, to a world where the “fast fish eat the slow fish.”
I’ve noticed lately that many of the most innovative developments in legal technology have come from smaller…
Announcing: Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory Community
I’m so excited to announce my new Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory Community on the Mighty Networks platform.
The KIPL Community is something I’ve wanted to build for many years and I believe I’ve found the best way to do that. I invite you to join in on a transformational journey for innovators in law.
Highlights from Reviews of Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law
I’ve been getting some good reviews and nice comments about my new book, Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law: A Practical Guide for Law Firms, Law Departments and Other Legal Organizations. TOday seemed like a good day to post a few of them.
It’s practical and hands-on. It’s also encyclopaedic and full of wise observations
Now Available: Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law
I’m very excited to announce that my new book, Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law: A Practical Guide for Law Firms, Law Departments and Other Legal Organizations, is now available on Amazon. The book may also be purchased as a Kindle ebook.
A few months ago, I was planning to write a series of…
Pre-Announcing My New Book: Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law
Some of my friends have convinced me that, because the manuscript is finished and with the book designer and the cover design has been chosen, it’s time that I announce the upcoming publication of my new book on innovation in law. I tend to be cautious about announcing things, so I’m just “pre-announcing” now.