It’s nice to see LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers, Second Edition in the Best Sellers section of the ABA Web Store. A big thank you to readers of this blog who have bought the book.

If you’d like to get a good idea of what’s in the book, the Law Technology Today blog has made available a generous excerpt from the book in a post called Create a LinkedIn Action Plan, courtesy of Lindsay Dawson, whose assistance with getting the word out on our books has been invaluable.

The excerpt comes from the concluding chapter of the book and outlines the three essential building blocks of LinkedIn (Profile, Connections and Participation) and gives three practical action steps, one for each building block. The action steps are simple, concrete actions you can take that require a small investment of time and should improve your results from LinkedIn.

Let me excerpt a bit of that excerpt:

1. Profile.

Your Profile Action Step

Reread and rewrite your Profile summary so that it has an external focus, telling readers exactly what you want them to know about you so that they will want to connect with you.

2. Connections.

Your Connections Action Step

Try to set and reach a reasonable goal for your total number of Con­nections. Reaching fifty Connections will help your Profile strength.

3. Participation.

Your Participation Action Step

Try to post at least one Update per week for a month. Building relation­ships takes time, whether in person or online. Use LinkedIn to identify and gain information about people you have just met or will be meeting, and keep using it to strengthen relationships and expand your network.

There’s more in the post on Law Technology Today.

I’ve really enjoyed getting the chance to speak about what’s in the book on podcasts and webinars recently, but have especially enjoyed spending some one-on-one time helping people improve their approach to LinkedIn, several of whom were not lawyers. Which leads to the question: “What if there were a version of this book not targeted at lawyers and other legal professionals?” Allison and I have heard that question a lot and all I can say is stay tuned for our answer to that question, which will be revealed soon.

LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers, Second Edition can be purchased through the ABA Store or in an iBook version on iTunes.LIOHFL2 Cover

Dennis Kennedy

[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]

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LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers (Second Edition), the new book from Allison Shields and me, is now available (iBook version also available). Our previous book, Facebook in One Hour for Lawyers, is also available (iBook version here). Also still available, The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell.