Page snapshot of listI recently wanted to brainstorm some ideas for new tech/innovation courses in law schools (primarily, but not just, for Michigan State University College of Law).

It got a little out of hand.

In addition to my own list, the list of past MSU courses, and course ideas I gathered from the Syllabi Commons, I reached out to people on LinkedIn and Twitter.

The list now tallies 191 ideas.

That’s not a few courses. That’s not just a potential curriculum. It’s like the basis for founding a whole law school.

I’ve released the very first iteration as PDF under the Creative Commons CC BY license.  The catch, you ask? You’ll need to join at least the free Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory Network group to see and download it. That will introduce you to my new Mighty Networks platform and see what is available in the KIPL Premium group.   I plan to share future updates, revisions, et al.  to this list only in the KIPL Premium group.

I welcome your discussion of this list. It should give you a lot to think about.


[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]

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