One of the big challenges about publishing a blog on focused topics is that external events can intrude and make your posts seem like they don’t live in the real world.

Twenty years ago today, I published my first post on this blog. Over the years, I liked to mark each blogiversary (or blawgiversary) with

Photo of comet in skyOn February 15, 2003, a comet flashed through the blogging universe:

And so it begins . . .
I realized the other day that I had first written about blogs well over a year ago. In fact, the rise of blogs was one of my 2002 predictions for legal technology in my annual legal tech

I launched DennisKennedy.Blog on February 15, 2003, as an early birthday present to myself. My birthday is February 17.

Among other things, my blogging style is noted for a tendency to over-anthropomorphize my blog. For example, this blog has its own Twitter account (@dkennedyblog). If truth be told, most longtime bloggers do consider

I launched DennisKennedy.Blog on February 15, 2003, as an early birthday present to myself. My birthday is February 17.

Among other things, my blogging style is noted for a tendency to over-anthropomorphize my blog. For example, this blog has its own Twitter account (@dkennedyblog). If truth be told, most longtime bloggers do consider