I launched DennisKennedy.Blog on February 15, 2003, as an early birthday present to myself. My birthday is February 17.

Among other things, my blogging style is noted for a tendency to over-anthropomorphize my blog. For example, this blog has its own Twitter account (@dkennedyblog). If truth be told, most longtime bloggers do consider their blogs as separate persons, but don’t like to admit that.

That said, this blog has a tendency to make a big deal about its birthday. My birthday usually gets way overshadowed by the blawgiversary activities of my blog. And I’m OK with that.

The annual tradition at this blog is to do a week-long blawgiversary extravaganza, including special announcements for blog readers (e.g., early bird discount for ABA TECHSHOW 2012 until February 19).

I’m taking a more low-key approach this year, even though there might be a surprise or two. However, I do like to shift the focus over to the readers. So, again this year, I’m continuing my annual tradition of offering to try to answer any reader questions I get over the next week and post as many answers as I can on the blog. (If you submit a question that you want a private answer to, please tell me when you submit the question.) Answering questions harkens back to the early days of this blog when I used to do “By Request” posts on a regular basis.

You may submit your questions by leaving a comment to this post, sending me an email (denniskennedyblog @ gmail.com – yes, my blog demanded that it have its own email address) or contacting me through my social media outlets.

I went back and looked at my post on February 15, 2003. It was:

And so it begins . . .

I realized the other day that I had first written about blogs well over a year ago. In fact, the rise of blogs was one of my 2002 predictions for legal technology in my annual legal tech predictions article.

As I was working on updating my web site (https://www.denniskennedy.com), I finally decided that I had to have my own blog.

Thanks to people like Jerry Lawson, Sabrina Pacifici, and the Support Forum at MovableType.org, it’s finally here.

Looking back, I’m more surprised by how long I took to start the blog than I am by how long it has lasted. When I started the blog, I remember my feeling that the whole blogging thing had already passed me by and I was way too late to the party. That’s funny now.

A big thank you to all my readers, fellow bloggers, and all who I have gotten to know as a result of this blogging experiment.

To new readers, my blog welcomes you, as do I.

Best wishes to all for another year,


[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]

Follow my microblog on Twitter – @dkennedyblog. Follow me – @denniskennedy

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The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell.
