And this blog reaches age 21. I’m planning a light celebration with cake, but the blog is lobbying hard for drinks and a night out. That’s been an ongoing source of tension.
I was asked in maybe 2006 how long I expected to keep writing this blog. My answer was that I couldn’t really see a time that I would stop, although I expected that what and how I wrote would evolve over time. That’s been true.
My biggest surprise with the blog was that I named it “DennisKennedy.Blog” as a joke that blogs would ever rise to the level of getting a .blog top-level domain. The joke was on me when that in fact happened and I was forced to buy the .blog domain name.
Today, I’m reflecting on how much I’ve put on this blog over the years and the many topics and themes I’ve covered. It’s striking to me in retrospect how much “innovation” in many forms has been the subject of my posts since the beginning.
I used to be considered a prolific blogger, but the number of posts has decreased over the years. That’s mainly because most of my best ideas and content are now going into The Kennedy-Mighell Report podcast (just about to enter its 17th year).
I have some plans to be more regular in blog posting in 2024 as part of my move away from Twitter. I even set a Minimum Posts Target (MPT) for this year as a SMART goal.
As I do every year, I thank all the readers of the blog, especially the longtime readers and those who have told me about how my posts have helped, and look forward to the new paths and directions this blog takes.
Maybe we will have that drink after all. The 21st birthday is a special one. But I don’t expect to be talked into going out in the snow.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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