I launched DennisKennedy.Blog on February 15, 2003, when I really believed that I was so late to blogging that I had missed the whole blogging thing. In part, the blog was also an early birthday present to myself. My birthday is February 17.
Over the years, this blog has made such a big deal of its birthday that my own birthday tends to get overshadowed. This year is no exception. As longtime bloggers know all too well, blogs can be very demanding.
Every year, I’ve done some kind of blawgiversary-birthday week-long extravaganza with fun events and surprises. In 2011, I’m taking a low-key approach, at least as compared to earlier years.
Three things have always been a consistent theme in the blogiversary celebration. First, I want to say a big “thank you” to my readers. Second, I try to devote some time to answering questions from readers. Third, I admit to a slight tendency to anthromorphize my blog.
I invite you over the next week to leave a comment, send me an email or DM me at @dkennedyblog on Twitter with any question you might have about legal technology, blogging or anything else I might cover on this blog.
I also have a surprise or two in mind for blawgiversary-birthday week, so watch during the rest of the week for those.
A huge thank you to all my readers. I appreciate you sticking with me and this blog for another you and I also welcome new readers.
Best wishes to all for another year.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
Follow my microblog on Twitter – @dkennedyblog. Follow me – @denniskennedy
Now Available! The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Visit the companion website for the book at LawyersGuidetoCollaboration.com. Twitter: @collabtools