We’ve reached the point where I feel it’s time that I can say that Allison and I are busily at work on a new book on LinkedIn. We’re planning for it to be available on Amazon in early summer. The working title is “Making LinkedIn Work for You: The Legal Professional’s Handbook.”

Our earlier book, LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers, had two successful editions, but is now out of print. We decided to go a new direction rather than simply do a third edition.

In the new book, we move away from the “lessons” format and concentrate on the practical LinkedIn strategies we are both known for and ways to take your LinkedIn game up a level or two. We will also include answers to many of the frequently asked questions we get in our presentations about LinkedIn.

We made a conscious decision to keep the book targeted at the legal industry, but are expanding the focus beyond just “lawyers.” We’ve had many readers tell us that the book is great for those outside the legal industry, but for marketing and content reasons (e.g., a chapter on legal ethics), this book will keep the legal focus. If we find sufficient interest, we might write a broader “professional services” version in the future.

Most important for me (and I hope for you), we’re going to a much lower price point for this book than the price point for our earlier book. We are also focusing on the ebook version.

You’ll hear more about the book, availability, pricing, opportunities to review it, and more as we get closer to the launch date. Watch for some Survey Monkey polls and other things. If you already know that you want to review the book, let us know with some information about your audience and reach, and we can put you on the list.


[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]

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Now available:

The second edition of The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell.