Excerpt from Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law: A Practical Guide for Law Firms, Law Departments and Other Legal Organizations, by Dennis Kennedy.

A greatly-underused resource for innovation programs is the advisory board. Advisory boards are a group of experts who provide advice, industry and customer knowledge, market awareness, subject matter expertise, and the like. They

I decided last weekend that it was time to kill off some of my innovation ideas and projects, both personal and professional.

And my timing might have been right because yesterday I watched a great Strategyzer webinar called “Why Killing Ideas is Key in Innovation,” featuring Alex Osterwalder, Tendayi Viki, and Uwe Kirscner. A replay

A work in progress

Part of my #blogfirst approach and an introduction to what I’m now doing at Exponential.Legal (launch date February 1, 2021).

Apollo 11 commemorative glass
Whitney Johnson has said that our “superpowers” are the things we often get complimented for and routinely deflect the compliments because “everyone can do that.” People who are known for generating